Hunter Moon Homestead Journal

Awaken, it's Spring! | Full Super Moon Eclipse in Aries

Have any of you ever wondered why we don't consider the month of April to be the true beginning of the new year? Spring, in my thoughts, is the birth of life and nature, and it feels so much like coming out of the slumber and rest of winter. In the spring our energy rises up with a renewed vigor to begin a new year, a new cycle, a new refreshed point of view.

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Balancing Lunar Influences of Virgo & Pisces | Micro Full Moon in Virgo
When we have a full moon, it is an opportunity, every month to work with the opposing energies of the sun and the moon. Pisces energies are internal, subterranean, spiritual, intangible, ethereal. The Virgo energies are pragmatic, grounded, tangible, detailed, in service to other. During this full moon, we are being asked to integrate this seeming dichotomy. What opposites teach us, if we are willing to see the lesson, is that identifying with one extreme leads to imbalance. Walking the middle road between the extreme, leads to a more balanced point of view.
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The Art of Building Community
Our interests and beliefs are formed from our life experiences and so no group or organization will give you everything you need to feel completely supported in connection with it. It might even be highly beneficial for us to have our beliefs challenged at times. It can be too easy to not question our beliefs to see if they truly match our evolution. It may be good to consider other points of view and to question if our “truths” actually came from our own unique knowingness, or if our minds have been indoctrinated by family, friends, or community.
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Potential vs Fear of the Unknown | Gibbous Moon in Gemini
The prospect of possibility is exciting to me and it helps me shift my thoughts toward what is possible over worrying about what might or might not happen. Along with these intentions, I try to leave a very large dose of surrender to what is best for my highest spiritual good, knowing I can't always see and know what Spirit would want for me. 
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